
Bunions: What They are and How They are Treated

What are Bunions?

A Bunion forms when your big toe angles in towards the second toe. Often, the spot where your big toe joins the rest of the foot becomes red and callused. This area also may begin to stick out and become hard. Bunions can form on one or both feet. They may run in the family, but most often are caused by wearing high-heeled shoes with narrow toes. These shoes put pressure on the big toe, pushing it towards the second toe.

What can you do to help treat your bunion?

The use of felt or form padding on the foot may help protect the bunion from irritation. A device also may be used to separate the big and second toes. If the bunion causes severe pain and/or deformity, surgery to realign the toes may be necessary. Other steps that you can take to help ease the discomfort include: wearing wide shoes that are comfortable, putting cold compresses on the affected area, and using shoe inserts to help position the foot correctly. With your doctors guidance, wearing a splint at night may also offer some relief. Usually those who deal with the aching pain of bunions learn to manage and reduce, if not eliminate, pain. More often than not surgery is suggested when the deformity begins to create other problems. These problems include hammertoes, bursitis, a bunion below the little toe, or pain in the balls of your feet. 

Click here to see our products that can help with bunions.

Posted in Foot Care News.